When you come to our office for a regular check-up, one of the steps we take is an x-ray. We also use x-rays when you come in for some problem with your teeth and gums. It often seems like we take too many x-rays or take them too often. It is important to understand why x-rays are important and how we use them. That can help explain why we include these as a part of many of your visits to our office.

The Need for Early Detection

One of the keys to managing dental health is spotting problems in their earliest stages. When a problem is seen in an early stage, it is easier to treat and to resolve the issue. If problems are not detected, they will usually continue to get worse and can spread to other parts of the teeth and gums. In the worst-case scenarios, untreated dental health issues can spread to other parts of the body and can impact the health of your body.

What X-Rays Show

There are many tools used to examine your oral health, and x-rays are an important part of that. The x-rays allow us to see what is happening beneath the surface of your teeth and gums. X-rays are useful to help spot the signs of tooth decay, bone loss that signals gum disease, changes in the root canal due to an infection and abscesses. They are helpful preparing for implants, braces, dentures and many other dental procedures.

You may or may not need x-rays at every visit. It will depend on your overall oral health and any symptoms of a possible problem that you have. For children, we recommend x-rays every 12-24 months, depending on their development. Adults can expect to get x-rays every 24 to 36 months if they have good oral health.

For more information about this or any other oral health issue, contact our office to schedule an appointment.