It’s summertime! And that means warmer weather, extra daylight, and plenty of time for kids to enjoy their time out of school. It’s also a perfect time to make sure that you and your kids visit the dentist! We’ve put together some healthy summertime dental tips for parents.

Keep Up that Dental Hygiene During Summer Vacation!

Good dental hygiene is important at all year long. With kids spending time near the pool, at summer camp, and on vacation, be sure to remind them to brush after meals and floss daily. This is also a great time to get new toothbrushes and travel-sized toothpaste for summer trips. And it is also a great time to get the kids in to see the dentist since they are out of school! We can examine their oral health, and a trip to the dentist instills the importance of their oral hygiene.

Encourage your kids to stay away from excessively acidic foods and drinks. Keep the fruits and veggies ready to eat, as opposed to sodas and sweets. Instead of the sugary drinks and candy, try keeping some blueberries and strawberries handy. Grab a case of bottled water instead of soda when shopping for groceries. Try to keep your kitchen a place where the kids have healthy food and drink alternatives this summer.

Preventing Dental Emergencies

During summer we naturally love spending time outdoors. Biking, swimming, hiking, volleyball and other activates are a lot of fun. However, these types of activities can sometimes run the risk of dental injury. Parents can be prepared by taking a few simple preventative steps.

  • Make sure your kids follow any “pool rules.” Running near pools is one of the leading causes of children injuring teeth during the summer months.
  • Dr. Scott Street of T-Town Smiles in Tulsa advises, “In the event of a dental emergency, only grasp the tooth by its crown. If contaminated, rinse with cold tap water. Place the tooth immediately back into the socket. If this is not possible, place the tooth in a cup of milk or saline solution. When either of these storage mediums are not present, have the child hold the tooth in their mouth between the gums and cheeks. Call your dentist as soon as possible.”
  • Have an emergency kit on hand with gauze, a small container with a lid, and ibuprofen
  • Know your dentist’s contact information for dental emergencies.

Help your kids make the most of summer by ensuring that they keep up on their oral hygiene! Call Scott Street, DDS of T-Town Smiles Tulsa family dentist at (918) 488-9770 for all of your dental needs.